April is Financial Planning Month

April marks the start of Financial Literacy Month, a nationally recognized movement to promote and support financial understanding in children and teens. For many, it’s a fantastic opportunity to teach […]

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My Favorite Time of Year

It’s April! So let’s talk about… Christmas? Stay with me here. Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year. I love the lights. I love spending time with family. I […]

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“Unretiring” To Stay in the Game

Knowing when it’s the right time to retire can be difficult, especially if you love your job. Even professional athletes have a hard time knowing when to walk away! These […]

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Inflation’s Over reach

What do The Dukes of Hazzard, M*A*S*H, and The Love Boat all have in common? They were top-rated television programs in 1982; the last time inflation was hovering in the […]

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Staying Positive

Staying positive these days is a lot easier said than done. Inflation is running hot, gasoline prices are up, interest rates are climbing, and it’s hard to remember the last […]

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Jelly beans

Ever try to guess how many jelly beans were in a jar like the one depicted above? This guessing game is similar to the way the market works, in terms […]

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The Fed has an Eye on Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has made the Fed’s interest rate decision a little more complicated. The Fed appears set to raise interest rates by 0.25% at its March meeting. […]

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The Risks of Crypto currency

Like many Americans, you probably saw at least a few Super Bowl advertisements for the cryptocurrency industry in the last couple of weeks. And if you’ve been paying attention to […]

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The Cycle of Investing

When markets fall, it’s easy to forget that downtrends are part of the investing cycle. So when prices slip, it’s a good time to review some common terms that you […]

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Here’s another one of my favorite drawings from Carl Richards. I love how he packs so much information into so few words. Consider: We all have the same amount of […]

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Five Most Over looked Tax Deductions

Who among us wants to pay the IRS more taxes than we have to? While few may raise their hands, Americans regularly overpay because they fail to take tax deductions […]

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Your Future Self

What do you think your life will be like in a year? Five years? Twenty years? I love this drawing by Carl Richards because it shows just how distant our […]

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